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Get ready to feed your Mind, Body, and Soul as we gather for Spring ChOW, Church on Wednesdays.
We'll meet for a delicious dinner at 6 p.m. in the Gym, then break up into groups for one of three classes:
- "The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith" by Timothy Keller book study.
- Stretching & Pickleball
- 40 Days of Kindness Activities
Cost for dinner only is $7.50/person, or $20/family.
Classes are free and go from 6:45-7:30 p.m.
Sign up using this link:

The Chosen, Season 5, will be showing in the movie theater during this Lenten season. If you haven't watched this series, it is the story of Jesus and his disciples as they travel, learn, and live together. This latest season will cover Jesus as he enters Jerusalem, clears the temple, and gathers his disciples for the Last Supper. It will be shown in three parts, and the plan is to gather some folks to see the episodes on the big screen.
Here is the schedule (but you are welcome to see them at other times on your own!):
Monday, March 31, 4:20 p.m. show
Monday, April 7, 6:15 p.m. show
Monday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. show
If you are interested, please contact Jane Young at

Join the Book Odyssey group to discuss Robin R. Meyers' book "Saving God from Religion: A Minister's Search for Faith in a Skeptical Age."
Summary from
People across the theological and political spectrum are struggling with what it means to say that they believe in God. For centuries, Christians have seen him as a deity who shows favor to some and dispenses punishment to others according to right belief and correct behavior. But this transactional approach to a God “up there”—famously depicted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel—no longer works, if it ever did, leaving an increasing number of Christians upset, disappointed, and heading for the exits.
In this groundbreaking, inspiring book, Robin R. Meyers, the senior minister of Oklahoma City’s Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ, shows how readers can move from a theology of obedience to one of consequence. He argues that we need to stop seeing our actions as a means for pleasing a distant God and rediscover how God has empowered us to care for ourselves and the world. Drawing on stories from his decades of active ministry, Meyers captures how the struggles of ordinary people hint at how we can approach faith as a radical act of trust in a God who is all around us, even in our doubts and the moments of life we fear the most.
Meets at 4 p.m. in Courtyard 1333 at First Presbyterian Church of Napa.

Please click on the link below to register your student (Grade 6-12) for the FPN Youth Spring Retreat, to be held Friday, May 30-Sunday, June 1, 2025, at Alliance Redwoods in Occidental, CA.
We'll leave from the church at around 3:30 p.m. on Friday and return Sunday afternoon.
Cost: $100/student. If 2 or more from the same family attending, $75/child.
Note: Parents must also register students at Alliance Redwoods using this link:
You'll need to:
- Create an account
- Click on the authentication/verification link sent to your email, then follow the link to finish setting up your account.
- Complete all registration fields.
Please email with your questions or if you need more info.